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Checking Out the Treetops

Osprey watcher

osprey watching

Our man Walt checks out the treetops and osprey platform at Ocean’s Reach from his prime spot on the fourth floor of Building 2.

What did Walt see with his telescopic eye? Look closely and you, too, will see a refurbished osprey nest with a proud mother sitting stately. Although a late nester, and sitting since mid-February, she’s been going strong and we’re hopeful that we may be able to greet a new osprey family soon.

The birth of osprey hatchlings is a special event for our guests at Ocean’s Reach. We’ve witnessed this rare sight three times in the past ten years, so you can understand why we are on pins and needles with anticipation!

As many of you know, our Osprey Cam was struck by lightning so we’re unable to provide video as in the past, but stay tuned for breaking news!

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